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Elite: The New Kind


Two decades ago C. J. Pinder reverse engineered the BBC disk version of Elite and wrote a modern equivalent – ‘the new kind’ – which over time was ported to a multitude of systems. His game is extremely faithful to the original, using the same ships, trade items, missions and what is also important: the same random no. generator to generate the 8 galaxies each with 256 planets. And the evaluation functionality to generate the properties and names for them. So like the original it uses a lot of texts and occasionally even vector graphics output per frame – but nothing which could not be managed for a Vectrex port.

The text output pages do indeed use a lot of text so I decided early on to add a more flexible version of the scrolling text system the vf menu uses to the game, too. A few tiny changes had to be made to the game – e.g. the Constrictor mission planet updates are not in the planet info. anymore since they could be overlooked there. Instead a ‘station message’ will pop up after docking. And the game is running at 50Hz, the Elite universe with all objects is calculated each frame and the 3D vector data generated, too, which results in a very smooth space experience.

The last concern was how to play the game – there is no Vectrex keyboard after all – and Elite does use quite a few input commands. The input strategy here is two-fold: for the status/station pages mostly the joystick is used and 2:/3: cycles through different pages. In space however, where a lot of commands in principle can be available, 1: opens up a list of available commands to select for button 4: e.g. firing the laser, changing speed, warp jumps, hyperspace etc. This needs a bit getting used to at the start but I have played the entire game successfully through (well, finished the Thargoid mission) that way and I did enjoy it. Still, to improve matters the buttons of the 2nd controller port are always measured and are directly mapped onto the most important actions. And these entries can be (optionally) removed from the command selection list so that just the few rarer ones are left. Esp. for dogfights this setup is definitely better. Although as mentioned I did defeat the Constrictor with just the one controller..

The visual output obviously also lacks color to distinguish friend from foe but using different brightness levels and more importantly blinking indicators work just as well – anyone displayed with a blinking ‘lollipop’ in the bottom overview is harmful. Similarly the compass is darker when directing you to the planet and becomes bright when the station is detected. And the compass ‘dot’ is either solid if the planet/station is ahead of you or blinking if behind so once you understand the concept you will always know where in space the planet/station is in relation to your position.

Porting this game was an absolute pleasure – the original code was in a nice state, the vf library perfectly suited to run this game, the gameplay and visual output in space just beautiful and since I never played Elite before I actually got to know and play the game after all, 3.5 decades after it was released. I have mostly played role playing games back then – and you could even argue Elite is the ultimate open-world, space rpg: only grinding and no evil space lord to defeat to become ‘ELITE’ after all, but grinding for grindings-sake is still not me. So besides the start, figuring out the game and building up your ship, I like the missions here where the game has more action.


General input on status pages

  • 1: leave station/status pages
  • 2: switch to previous page
  • 3: switch to next page

Market pages

  • joystick up/down to select an item
  • joystick left/right to buy/sell item

Renaming Commander

  • 1: cancel renaming
  • 2: or 3: end renaming
  • 4: select letter


Joystick to select hyperspace destination, 4: back to origin. If already at origin 4: on the galactic chart enters a ‘search a planet by name’ mode

In space

  • 1: enters/exits a selection menu for the available commands
  • 2: cycle view: front->rear->left->right->front…
  • 3: enter status pages, the game is however not paused
  • 4: execute selected command

When pressing the 4: ‘Speed’ command the joystick input is not used for climb/roll changes but for speed increase/decrease. Also always available via the 2nd controller (optionally removable from command list):

  • 1: Warp Jump
  • 2: Speed
  • 3: Target Missile / Fire Missile
  • 4: Fire Laser


Please note: the bitmap text output type is inherited by the VF menu: so using ‘Fast Text’ mode will speed up the game’s output, too.

  • Port 2 Commands: Show / Hide (in command list)
  • Docking Music: On / Off
  • Game Info: ”                           © 1984 I.Bell & D.Braben, Re-engineered by C.J.Pinder 1999-2001.                         “


Elite: TNK was the most demanding localization effort by far, both due to the amount of texts but more importantly due to the construction of sentences out of building blocks for the planet descriptions. Thank you Jerome for happily attacking this problem in French !

GERMAN[] = {
{,,"                           © 1984 I.Bell & D.Braben, Nachprogrammiert von C.J.Pinder 1999-2001.                         "},
{,,"Andockmusik: An"},
{,,"Andockmusik: Aus"},
{,,"Port 2 Kommandos: Zeigen"},
{,,"Port 2 Kommandos: Verstecken"},
{,,"Grüsse Commander, Ich bin Captain Curruthers von der Raummarine Ihrer Majestät und erbitte höflichst einen Moment Ihrer Aufmerksamkeit."},
{,,"Wir haben einen kleinen Auftrag für Sie."},
{,,"Das Schiff welches Sie hier sehen ist ein neues Modell, die Constrictor, ausgestattet mit streng geheimen Schildgeneratoren."},
{,,"Leider wurde es gestohlen."},
{,,"Es wurde von unserer Werft auf Xeer vor fünf Monaten entwendet und zuletzt bei Reesdice gesehen."},
{,,"Ihre Mission, sollten Sie sie annehmen, ist es das Schiff zu finden und zu zerstören."},
{,,"Nur Militärlaser können die neuen Schilde überhaupt durchdringen."},
{,,"Die Constrictor ist ebenso ausgestattet mit einem E.G.M. System."},
{,,"Viel Erfolg, Commander.\n---NACHRICHT ENDET"},
{,,"Es wurde von unserer Werft auf Xeer for fünf Monaten entwendet und ist in diese Galaxis gesprungen."},
{,,"Die Constrictor wurde zuletzt bei Reesdice gesehen, Commander."},
{,,"Ein merkwürdiges Schiff kam hier vorbei, war vermutlich auf dem Weg nach Arexe."},
{,,"Ja, ein merkwürdiges neues Schiff kaufte einen galaktischen Hyperraum hier, benutzte ihn auch sofort."},
{,,"Man hört, dass ein seltsames Schiff bei Errius gesehen wurde."},
{,,"Dieses seltsame Schiff kam aus den Nichts, schöpfte die Sonne ab und sprang sofort nach Inbibe."},
{,,"Ein Schurkenschiff kam nach mir bei Ausar. Meine Laser konnten dessen Rumpf nichts anhaben."},
{,,"Ein fürchterlicher Schurke mit verstärktem Rumpf schoss auf viele Piraten hier und flog dann nach Usleri."},
{,,"Sie können den Schurken herausfordern, wenn Sie wollen. Er ist bei Orarra."},
{,,"Da ist eine richtig gefährlicher Pirat da draussen."},
{,,"Mannomann sind Sie in der falschen Galaxie!."},
{,,"Gratulation Commander!\nEs wird immer einen Platz für Sie in der Raummarine Ihrer Majestät geben."},
{,,"Vielleicht sogar früher, als Sie denken...\n---NACHRICHT ENDET"},
{,,"Obacht Commander, Ich bin Captain Fortesque von der Raummarine Ihrer Majestät.\nWir brauchen Ihre Mitarbeit."},
{,,"Bitte begeben Sie sich nach Ceerdi, wo Sie weitere Informationen erhalten."},
{,,"Falls erfolgreich, werden sie belohnt.\n---NACHRICHT ENDET"},
{,,"Guten Tag Commander. Ich bin Agent Blake von der Marineaufklärung."},
{,,"Wie Sie wissen hat die Marine seit vielen Jahren Ihren Arsch vor den Thargoids bewahrt."}, 
{,,"Nun hat sich die Situation geändert. Unsere Jungs sind bereit für einen Vorstoss auf das Heimatsystem dieser Mörder."},
{,,"Ich habe die Verteidungspläne Ihrer Welten erlangt. Die Käfer wissen, dass wir etwas planen, aber nicht was."},
{,,"Falls ich die Pläne zur Basis auf Birera senden würde, würde es sicher abgefangen werden."},
{,,"Ich brauche also ein Schiff. Sie sind ausgewählt. Die Pläne sind unipulscodiert in dieser Nachricht."},
{,,"Sie werden natürlich entlohnt. Viel Erfolg Commander.\n---NACHRICHT ENDET"},
{,,"Hervorragend Commander!\nSie haben uns gut gedient, wir werden dies nicht vergessen."},
{,,"Wir erwarteten nicht, dass die Thargoids über Sie Bescheid bekommen würden."},
{,,"Bitte akzeptieren Sie diese Marine Energieeinheit als Belohnung.\n---NACHRICHT ENDET"},
{,,"Ziel akquiriert"},
{,,"Ziel verloren"},
{,,"Rakete verklemmt"},
{,,"Hervorragend Commander!"},
{,,"Detoniere Energiebombe"},
{,,"Andockcomputer An"},
{,,"Andockcomputer Aus"},
{,,"E.G.M. An"},
{,,"Laser abfeuern"},
{,,"Rakete starten"},
{,,"Galaktischer Hyperraum"},
{,,"Ziel verwerfen"},
{,,"Rettungskapsel benutzt"},
{,,"Selbstzerstörung eingeleitet"},
{,,"Unbekannter Planet"},
{,,"Elite - The New Kind"},
{,,"Original (C) I.Bell & D.Braben"},
{,,"Nachprogrammiert von C.J.Pinder"},
{,,"Commander, drücke 4: zum Starten"},
{,,"3:Lade oder 4:Neues Spiel"},
{,,"Commander geladen"},
{,,"Commander gesichert"},
{,,"Treibstoffsauger An"},
{,,"%d.%d CR"},
{,,"Hyperraum: %s"},
{,,"Masse gefunden"},
{,,"reiche Industrie"},
{,,"mittlere Industrie"},
{,,"arme Industrie"},
{,,"fast nur Industrie"},
{,,"fast nur Landwirte"},
{,,"reiche Landwirte"},
{,,"mittlere Landwirte"},
{,,"arme Landwirte"},
{,,"Distanz: %d,%d Lichtjahre"},
{,,"Wirtschaft: %s"},
{,,"Regierung: %s"},
{,,"Tech.Level: %d"},
{,,"Bevölkerung: %d,%d Milliarden"},
{,,"BSP: %d M CR"},
{,,"Mittlerer Radius: %d000 km"},
{,,"Fast Harmlos"},
{,,"--- E L I T E ---"},
{,,"%slaser vorne"},
{,,"%slaser hinten"},
{,,"%slaser links"},
{,,"%slaser rechts"},
{,,"Grosse Ladebucht"},
{,,"E.G.M. System"},
{,,"Extra Energieeinheit"},
{,,"Marine Energieeinheit"},
{,,"COMMANDER %s"},
{,,"Legaler Status:"},
{,,"Geld: %d,%d"},
{,,"%d,%d Lichtjahre"},
{,," Treibstoff"},
{,," Rakete"},
{,," Grosse Ladebucht"},
{,," E.G.M. System"},
{,," Treibstoffsauger"},
{,," Rettungskapsel"},
{,," Energiebombe"},
{,," Extra Energieeinheit"},
{,," Andockcomputer"},
{,," Galaktischer Hyperraum"},
{,,"Coriolis Raumstation"},
{,,"Natter MkII"},
{,,"Moray Sternenboot"},
{,,"Dodec Raumstation"},
{,,"Grosse "},
{,,"Grimmige "},
{,,"Kleine "},
{,,"Grüne "},
{,,"Rote "},
{,,"Gelbe "},
{,,"Blaue "},
{,,"Schwarze "},
{,,"Harmlose "},
{,,"Schleimige "},
{,,"Glubschaugige "},
{,,"Gehörnte "},
{,,"Knochige "},
{,,"Fette "},
{,,"Fellige "},
{,,"Menschliche Kolonisten"},
{,,"<14> ist <22>."},
{,,"sehr "},
{,,"milde "},
{,,"manchmal "},
{,,"etwas "},
{,,"<29> <28>felder"},
{,,"<19> Wälder"},
{,,"Abscheu von <5>"},
{,,"Liebe für <5>"},
{,,"wogenden Baum"},
{,,"<21> Bürgerkriegen"},
{,,"<26> <23> <24>"},
{,,"einer <26> Krankheit"},
{,,"<21> Erdbeben"},
{,,"<21> Solaraktivitäten"},
{,,"seine <2> <3>"},
{,,"die %I <23> <24>"},
{,,"die <25> <4> der Einwohner"},
{,,"seine <12> <13>"},
{,,"%I <24>"},
{,,"%I %R"},
{,,"%I <26>"},
{,,"<26> %R"},
{,," <32>"},
{,,"Der Planet %H"},
{,,"Die Welt %H"},
{,,"Dieser Planet"},
{,,"Diese Welt"},
{,,"kleiner Planet"},
{,,"<1><0> für <9>"},
{,,"<1><0> für <9> und <9>"},
{,,"<7> von <8>"},
{,,"<1><0> für <9> aber <7> von <8>"},
{,,"ein <15> <16>"},
{,,"tief verwurzelte"},
{,,"%I %R"},
{,,"%I <26>"},
{,,"%I %R"},
{,,"<11> <10>"},
{,,"%I <30><33>"},
{,,"seine <12> <31><33>"},
{,,"<34> <35>"},
{,,"<11> <10>"},
{,,"%I ultra"},
FRENCH[] = {
{0,0, "                           © 1984 I.Bell & D.Braben, Reprogrammé par C.J.Pinder 1999-2001.                         "},
{,,"Musique pdt l'Amarrage: Oui"},
{,,"Musique pdt l'Amarrage: Non"},
{,,"Commandes Port 2: Visibles"},
{,,"Commandes Port 2: Masquées"},
{,,"Bonjour Commandant, je suis le Capitaine Curruthers de la Marine Spatiale de Sa Majesté et je souhaiterais que vous m'accordiez quelques instants de votre précieux temps."},
{,,"Nous aimerions que vous fassiez un petit travail pour nous."},
{,,"Le navire que vous voyez ici est un nouveau modèle, le Constrictor, équipé d'un nouveau générateur de bouclier top secret."},
{,,"Malheureusement, il a été volé."},
{,,"Il a disparu de notre chantier naval sur Xeer il y a cinq mois et a été vu pour la dernière fois à Reesdice."},
{,,"Votre mission, si vous l'acceptez, est de rechercher et de détruire ce navire."},
{,,"Vous êtes avertis que seuls les lasers militaires passeront à travers les nouveaux boucliers."},
{,,"Le Constrictor est également équipé d'un système E.C.M."},
{,,"Bonne Chance, Commandant.\n---FIN DU MESSAGE"},
{,,"Il a disparu de notre chantier naval sur Xeer il y a cinq mois et on pense qu'il a sauté dans l'hyper-espace pour rejoindre cette galaxie."},
{,,"Le Constrictor a été vu pour la dernière fois à Reesdice, Commandant."},
{,,"Un étrange vaisseau est parti d'ici il y a quelque temps. Il semblait se diriger vers Arexe."},
{,,"Oui, un nouveau vaisseau inhabituel avait un moteur hyperdrive installé pour sauter dans l'hyper-espace, et l'a utilisé également."},
{,,"J'ai entendu dire qu'un navire bizarre a été vu à Errius."},
{,,"Cet étrange navire est arrivé de nulle part, a frôlé le soleil et a sauté dans l'hyper-espace. J'ai entendu dire qu'il était allé à Inbibe."},
{,,"Un navire de contrebande est venu me chercher à Ausar. Mes lasers n'ont même pas éraflé sa coque."},
{,,"Un affreux contrebandier avec ce que vous appelez, je crois, une protection renforcée, a abattu beaucoup de ces pirates et est allé à Usleri."},
{,,"Vous pouvez vous attaquer à cette fripouille si vous le souhaitez. Il est à Orarra."},
{,,"Il y a un vrai pirate des plus coriaces dehors."},
{,,"Vous êtes dans la mauvaise galaxie !"},
{,,"Félicitations Commandant!\nIl y aura toujours une place pour vous dans la flotte spatiale de Sa Majesté."},
{,,"Et peut-être plus tôt que vous ne le pensez...\n---FIN DU MESSAGE"},
{,,"Je vous prie de m'excuser Commandant, je suis le Capitaine Fortesque de la Marine Spatiale de Sa Majesté. Nous avons à nouveau besoin de vos services."},
{,,"Si vous voulez bien vous rendre à Ceerdi, vous obtiendrez les informations qui vous seront utiles."},
{,,"Si vous réussissez, vous serez récompensé.\n---FIN DU MESSAGE"},
{,,"Bonjour, Commandant. Je suis l'agent Blake des renseignements de la Marine Spatiale."},
{,,"Comme vous le savez, la marine vous évite d'avoir les Thargoïdes aux trousses dans l'espace, et ce, depuis de nombreuses années."}, 
{,,"Bon, la situation a changé. Nos gars sont prêts à se rendre jusqu'au repaire de ces meurtriers."},
{,,"J'ai obtenu les plans de défense de leur Ruche. Les coléoptères savent que nous avons obtenu quelque chose mais ils ne savent pas quoi."},
{,,"Si je transmets les plans à notre base de Birera, ils intercepteront la transmission."},
{,,"J'ai besoin d'un vaisseau spatial pour faire le déplacement. C'est Vous qui êtes l'élu. Les plans sont codés en unipulse pour cette transmission."},
{,,"Vous serez payé. Bonne chance, Commandant.\n---FIN DU MESSAGE"},
{,,"Bien joué, Commandant!\n Vous nous avez rendu un grand service et nous saurons nous en souvenir."},
{,,"Nous ne nous attendions pas à ce que les Thargoïdes vous découvrent."},
{,,"Veuillez accepter cette Unité d'Énergie Supplémentaire de Navigation en guise de paiement.\n---FIN DU MESSAGE"},
{,,"Cible verrouillée"},
{,,"Cible perdue"},
{,,"Course du Missile brouillée"},
{,,"En plein dans le mille, Commandant !"},
{,,"Faire exploser une bombe d'énergie"},
{,,"Ordinateurs d'amarrage activés"},
{,,"Ordinateurs d'amarrage désactivés"},
{,,"Système E.C.M. Oui"},
{,,"Capsule de Sauvetage"},
{,,"Tir Laser"},
{,,"Lancer un Missile"},
{,,"Hyper-Espace Galactique"},
{,,"Pause du Jeu"},
{,,"Missile verrouillé sur cible"},
{,,"Missile déverrouillé de la cible"},
{,,"Passage en vitesse-lumière"},
{,,"Capsule de Sauvetage Lancée"},
{,,"Auto-Destruction initiée"},
{,,"Planète Inconnue"},
{,,"Elite - The New Kind"},
{,,"Jeu Original (C) I.Bell & D.Braben"},
{,,"Reprogrammé par C.J.Pinder."},
{,,"Commandant, si OK appuyez sur 4:"},
{,,"3: Chargement ou 4: Nouveau Jeu"},
{,,"Vue de Face"},
{,,"Vue Arrière"},
{,,"Vue côté Gauche"},
{,,"Vue côté Droit"},
{,,"Commandant: Chargement effectué"},
{,,"Commandant: Sauvegarde effectuée"},
{,,"Collecteur de carburant activé"},
{,,"%d.%d CR"},
{,,"Hyper-Espace: %s"},
{,,"Masse équilibrée"},
{,,"Éléments Radioactifs"},
{,,"Robots Esclaves"},
{,,"Articles de Luxe"},
{,,"Armes à Feu"},
{,,"Pierres Précieuses"},
{,,"Objets Rares"},
{,,"Haut niveau Industriel"},
{,,"Niveau Industriel Moyen"},
{,,"Faible Niveau Industriel"},
{,,"Surtout Industrielle"},
{,,"Principalement Agricole"},
{,,"Agriculture Développée"},
{,,"Niveau Agricole moyen"},
{,,"Faible niveau Agricole"},
{,,"État Corporatiste"},
{,,"Distance: %d.%d Années-Lumière"},
{,,"Économie: %s"},
{,,"Gouvernement: %s"},
{,,"Niveau de Technicité: %d"},
{,,"Population: %d.%d Milliards d'Habts"},
{,,"Productivité Brute: %d M CR"},
{,,"Rayon Moyen: %d000 km"},
{,,"Non Dangereux"},
{,,"Plutôt Faible"},
{,,"Au-dessus de la Moyenne"},
{,,"--- E L I T E ---"},
{,,"%s Laser Face Avant"},
{,,"%s Laser Arrière"},
{,,"%s Laser Côté Gauche"},
{,,"%s Laser Côté Droit"},
{,,"Renommer Le Commandant"},
{,,"Grande Soute"},
{,,"Capsule de Sauvetage"},
{,,"Collecteurs de Carburant"},
{,,"Système E.C.M."},
{,,"Bombe d'Énergie"},
{,,"Unité d'Énergie Supplémentaire"},
{,,"Unité d'Énergie de Navigation"},
{,,"Ordinateurs d'amarrage"},
{,,"COMMANDANT %s"},
{,,"Status Légal:"},
{,,"Argent: %d.%d"},
{,,"%d.%d Années-Lumière"},
{,," Carburant"},
{,," Missile"},
{,," Grande Soute"},
{,," Système E.C.M."},
{,," Collecteurs de Carburant"},
{,," Capsule de Sauvetage"},
{,," Bombe d'Énergie"},
{,," Unité d'Énergie Supplémentaire"},
{,," Ordinateurs d'amarrage"},
{,," Hyper-Espace Galactique"},
{,,"+Canon Laser"},
{,,"-Canon Laser"},
{,,">de Face"},
{,,">Côté Gauche"},
{,,">Côté Droit"},
{,,"+Rayon Laser"},
{,,"-Rayon Laser"},
{,,"+Laser Mineur"},
{,,"-Laser Mineur"},
{,,"+Laser Militaire"},
{,,"-Laser Militaire"},
{,,"Station Spatiale de Coriolis"},
{,,"Bidon de Fret"},
{,,"Bloc de Roche"},
{,,"Ermite de Rocher"},
{,,"Aspic MkII"},
{,,"Navire Spatial Moray"},
{,,"Station Spatiale Dodec"},
{,,", grands"},
{,," féroces"},
{,,", petits"},
{,," verts"},
{,," rouges"},
{,," jaunes"},
{,," bleus"},
{,," noirs"},
{,," inoffensifs"},
{,," visqueux"},
{,," sauvages"},
{,," cornus"},
{,," osseux"},
{,,", gros"},
{,," velus"},
{,,"Colons Humains"},
{,,"<14> est <22>."},
{,,"ennes, nom donné aux"},
{,,"particulièrement "},
{,,"très "},
{,,"assez "},
{,,"plutôt "},
{,,"vraiment fantastiques"},
{,,"très vastes"},
{,,"de couleurs sombres"},
{,,"plantations <29> <28>"},
{,,"forêts <19>"},
{,,"personnes timides"},
{,,"personnes excentriques"},
{,,"traditions de polygamie"},
{,,"aversions pour les <5>"},
{,,"passions pour les <5>"},
{,,"robots domestiques"},
{,,"régulièrement ravagée"},
{,,"<21> guerres civiles"},
{,,"<26> et <23> <24>"},
{,,"<26> épidémies"},
{,,"<21> secousses sismiques"},
{,,"<21> éruptions solaires"},
{,,"<3> <2>"},
{,,"%I <23> <24>"},
{,,"habitants caractérisés par leurs <25> <4>"},
{,,"<13> <12>"},
{,,"radiations solaires"},
{,,"boissons alcoolisées"},
{,,"potions magiques"},
{,,"infusions de plantes"},
{,,"tempêtes de neige"},
{,,"et assez spéciales"},
{,,"%I <24>"},
{,,"%I <26>"},
{,,"festivités souterraines"},
{,,"animations nocturnes"},
{,,"salles de jeux"},
{,,"pièces de théâtre"},
{,," <32> "},
{,,"La planète %H"},
{,,"La civilisation %H"},
{,,"Cette planète"},
{,,"Cette civilisation"},
{,,"éclairée par 2 soleils"},
{,,"assez terne"},
{,,"peu engageante"},
{,,"véritablement originale"},
{,,"planète artificielle"},
{,,"planète naine"},
{,,"immense décharge cosmique"},
{,,"couleuvres bicéphales"},
{,,"bêtes gluantes"},
{,,"araignées géantes"},
{,,"bactéries lumineuses"},
{,,"espèces végétales"},
{,,"machines androïdes"},
{,,"<1><0> pour ses <9>"},
{,,"<1><0> pour ses <9> mais également pour ses <27>"},
{,,"<7> par de <8>"},
{,,"<1><0> pour ses <9> mais s'avère <7> par de <8>"},
{,,"une <16> <15>"},
{,,"zones radioactives"},
{,,"cultures suspendues"},
{,,"terres multicolores"},
{,,"grottes sous-marine"},
{,,"zones volcaniques"},
{,,"de plantes carnivores"},
{,,"de fruits inconnus"},
{,,"de bananes bleues"},
{,,"de céréales"},
{,,"d'herbes rouges"},
{,,"%I <27>"},
{,,"%I <26>"},
{,,"bêtes sauvages"},
{,,"vipères fluorescentes"},
{,,"murènes jaunes"},
{,,"mygales rayées"},
{,,"<11> <10>"},
{,,"%I <33> <30>"},
{,,"<33> <31> <12>"},
{,,"<35> <34>"},
{,,"<11> <10>"},
{,,"fritures de"},
{,,"soupes de"},
{,,"brochettes de"},
{,,"grillades de"},
{,,"purées de"},
{,,"sur glace"},
{,,"dans la boue"},
{,,"en apesanteur"},
{,,"dans le vide"},
{,,"aux règles potentiellement <26>"},
{,,"compétitions de hockey"},
{,,"épreuves de lutte"},
{,,"courses de machines"},
{,,"compétitions de tir laser"},
{,,"batailles de droïdes"}
ENGLISH[] = {    
{,, "                           © 1984 I.Bell & D.Braben, Re-engineered by C.J.Pinder 1999-2001.                         "},
{,,"Docking Music: On"},
{,,"Docking Music: Off"},
{,,"Port 2 Commands: Show"},
{,,"Port 2 Commands: Hide"},
{,,"Greetings Commander, I am Captain Curruthers of Her Majesty's Space Navy and I beg a moment of your valuable time."},
{,,"We would like you to do a little job for us."},
{,,"The ship you see here is a new model, the Constrictor, equipped with a top secret new shield generator."},
{,,"Unfortunately it's been stolen."},
{,,"It went missing from our ship yard on Xeer five months ago and was last seen at Reesdice."},
{,,"Your mission should you decide to accept it, is to seek and destroy this ship."},
{,,"You are cautioned that only Military Lasers will get through the new shields."},
{,,"The Constrictor is also fitted with an E.C.M. System."},
{,,"Good Luck, Commander.\n---MESSAGE ENDS"},
{,,"It went missing from our ship yard on Xeer five months ago and is believed to have jumped to this galaxy."},
{,,"The Constrictor was last seen at Reesdice, Commander."},
{,,"A strange looking ship left here a while back. Looked bound for Arexe."},
{,,"Yep, an unusual new ship had a galactic hyperdrive fitted here, used it, too."},
{,,"I hear a weird looking ship was seen at Errius."},
{,,"This strange ship dehyped here from nowhere, sun skimmed and jumped. I hear it went to Inbibe."},
{,,"Rogue ship went for me at Ausar. My Lasers didn't even scratch its hull."},
{,,"A frightful rogue with what I believe you people call a lead posterior shot up lots of those pirates and went to Usleri."},
{,,"You can tackle the vicious scoundrel if you like. He's at Orarra."},
{,,"There's a real deadly pirate out there."},
{,,"Boy are you in the wrong galaxy!."},
{,,"Congratulations Commander!\nThere will always be a place for you in Her Majesty's Space Navy."},
{,,"And maybe sooner than you think...\n---MESSAGE ENDS"},
{,,"Attention Commander, I am Captain Fortesque of Her Majesty's Space Navy. We have need of your services again."},
{,,"If you would be so good as to go to Ceerdi you will be briefed."},
{,,"If successful, you will be rewarded.\n---MESSAGE ENDS"},
{,,"Good Day Commander. I am Agent Blake of Naval Intelligence."},
{,,"As you know, the Navy have been keeping the Thargoids off your ass out in deep space for many years now."}, 
{,,"Well the situation has changed. Our boys are ready for a push right to the home system of those murderers."},
{,,"I have obtained the defence plans for their Hive Worlds. The beetles know we've got something but not what."},
{,,"If I transmit the plans to our base on Birera they'll intercept the transmission."},
{,,"I need a ship to make the run. You're elected. The plans are unipulse coded within this transmission."},
{,,"You will be paid. Good luck Commander.\n---MESSAGE ENDS"},
{,,"Well done Commander!\nYou have served us well and we shall remember."},
{,,"We did not expect the Thargoids to find out about you."},
{,,"Please accept this Navy Extra Energy Unit as payment.\n---MESSAGE ENDS"},
{,,"Target Locked"},
{,,"Target Lost"},
{,,"Missile Jammed"},
{,,"Right On Commander!"},
{,,"Detonate Energy Bomb"},
{,,"Docking Computers On"},
{,,"Docking Computers Off"},
{,,"E.C.M. On"},
{,,"Escape Capsule"},
{,,"Fire Laser"},
{,,"Fire Missile"},
{,,"Galactic Hyperspace"},
{,,"Pause Game"},
{,,"Target Missile"},
{,,"Un-Target Missile"},
{,,"Warp Jump"},
{,,"GAME OVER"},
{,,"Escape pod launched"},
{,,"Ship auto-destuct initiated."},
{,,"Unknown Planet"},
{,,"Elite - The New Kind"},
{,,"Original Game (C) I.Bell & D.Braben"},
{,,"Re-engineered by C.J.Pinder."},
{,,"Commander, when ready press 4:"},
{,,"3: Load or 4: New Game"},
{,,"Front View"},
{,,"Rear View"},
{,,"Left View"},
{,,"Right View"},
{,,"Commander Loaded"},
{,,"Commander Saved"},
{,,"Fuel Scoop On"},
{,,"%d.%d CR"},
{,,"Hyperspace: %s"},
{,,"Mass Locked"},
{,,"Alien Items"},
{,,"Rich Industrial"},
{,,"Average Industrial"},
{,,"Poor Industrial"},
{,,"Mainly Industrial"},
{,,"Mainly Agricultural"},
{,,"Rich Agricultural"},
{,,"Average Agricultural"},
{,,"Poor Agricultural"},
{,,"Corporate State"},
{,,"Distance: %d.%d Light Years"},
{,,"Economy: %s"},
{,,"Government: %s"},
{,,"Tech.Level: %d"},
{,,"Population: %d.%d Billion"},
{,,"Gross Productivity: %d M CR"},
{,,"Average Radius: %d000 km"},
{,,"Mostly Harmless"},
{,,"Above Average"},
{,,"--- E L I T E ---"},
{,,"Front %s Laser"},
{,,"Rear %s Laser"},
{,,"Left %s Laser"},
{,,"Right %s Laser"},
{,,"Rename Commander"},
{,,"Large Cargo Bay"},
{,,"Escape Pod"},
{,,"Fuel Scoops"},
{,,"E.C.M. System"},
{,,"Energy Bomb"},
{,,"Extra Energy Unit"},
{,,"Naval Energy Unit"},
{,,"Docking Computers"},
{,,"COMMANDER %s"},
{,,"Legal Status:"},
{,,"Cash: %d.%d"},
{,,"%d.%d Light Years"},
{,," Fuel"},
{,," Missile"},
{,," Large Cargo Bay"},
{,," E.C.M. System"},
{,," Fuel Scoops"},
{,," Escape Pod"},
{,," Energy Bomb"},
{,," Extra Energy Unit"},
{,," Docking Computers"},
{,," Galactic Hyperdrive"},
{,,"+Pulse Laser"},
{,,"-Pulse Laser"},
{,,"+Beam Laser"},
{,,"-Beam Laser"},
{,,"+Mining Laser"},
{,,"-Mining Laser"},
{,,"+Military Laser"},
{,,"-Military Laser"},
{,,"Coriolis Space Station"},
{,,"Cargo Canister"},
{,,"Orbit Shuttle"},
{,,"Cobra MkIII"},
{,,"Rock Hermit"},
{,,"Cobra MkI"},
{,,"Asp MkII"},
{,,"Moray Star Boat"},
{,,"Dodec Space Station"},
{,,"Large "},
{,,"Fierce "},
{,,"Small "},
{,,"Green "},
{,,"Red "},
{,,"Yellow "},
{,,"Blue "},
{,,"Black "},
{,,"Harmless "},
{,,"Slimy "},
{,,"Bug-Eyed "},
{,,"Horned "},
{,,"Bony "},
{,,"Fat "},
{,,"Furry "},
{,,"Human Colonials"},
{,,"<14> is <22>."},
{,,"well known"},
{,,"very "},
{,,"mildly "},
{,,"most "},
{,,"reasonably "},
{,,"<29> <28> plantations"},
{,,"<19> forests"},
{,,"mating traditions"},
{,,"loathing of <5>"},
{,,"love for <5>"},
{,,"food blenders"},
{,,"talking tree"},
{,,"<21> civil war"},
{,,"<26> <23> <24>s"},
{,,"a <26> disease"},
{,,"<21> earthquakes"},
{,,"<21> solar activity"},
{,,"its <2> <3>"},
{,,"the %I <23> <24>"},
{,,"its inhabitants' <25> <4>"},
{,,"its <12> <13>"},
{,,"gargle blasters"},
{,,"%I <24>"},
{,,"%I %R"},
{,,"%I <26>"},
{,,"<26> %R"},
{,,"night life"},
{,,"sit coms"},
{,," <32> "},
{,,"The planet %H"},
{,,"The world %H"},
{,,"This planet"},
{,,"This world"},
{,,"n unremarkable"},
{,," boring"},
{,," dull"},
{,," tedious"},
{,," revolting"},
{,,"little planet"},
{,,"arts graduate"},
{,,"<1><0> for <9>"},
{,,"<1><0> for <9> and <9>"},
{,,"<7> by <8>"},
{,,"<1><0> for <9> but <7> by <8>"},
{,,"a<15> <16>"},
{,,"parking meters"},
{,,"dust clouds"},
{,,"ice bergs"},
{,,"rock formations"},
{,,"%I %R"},
{,,"%I <26>"},
{,,"%I %R"},
{,,"<11> <10>"},
{,,"%I <30> <33>"},
{,,"its <12> <31> <33>"},
{,,"<34> <35>"},
{,,"<11> <10>"},
{,,"%I ultra"},

Table of Contents